Garratt Industries Grain & Seed Cleaning Equipment

AMVT Colour Sorters
Expert Level Multi - Usage Optical Sorter

In the near future, we will be getting a single chute colour sorter for demo purposes, if you are interested please contact your territory representative.

Colour Sorters are used to sort by shape, size and of course colour. AMVT Colour Sorters complement the Garratt Industries Equipment line very well and provide a great final machine in a facility.

AMVT Colour Sorters are manufactured to operate in nearly any climate, the CG Colour Sorter is capable of functioning in temperatures from -20 to +40 degrees celsius.

Combined with patented high-speed, contact-free, electromagnetic ejectors that are capable of achieving frequencies of 1,200 times per second while guaranteeing 10 Billion lifetime ejections. The Durability and pin-point accuracy is unmatched by any other optical colour sorter

Features and Benefits of an AMVT CG Colour Sorter

RGB Full Colour

The AMVT CG Colour Sorter sorts material using full colour Red, Green and Blue to reject even the slightest colour variations. It can sort colours independently or simultaneously and is great for rejecting colour contrasting impurities such as Mustard and Canola, Wild Oats and Fusarium.


The AMVT CG Colour Sorter uses the power of artificial intelligence to help it sort. It sorts based on any given inputs using independent imaging of ideal material and impurities. Great for virtually everything, most sorting can be done using this program if another doesn’t quite reject everything.


The AMVT CG Colour Sorter sorts by detecting higher levels of Red, Green or Blue compared to only one of those colours. This is great for colour variations that are not as distinct.

Size & Shape

The AMVT CG Colour Sorter rejects materials based on true ratios with 2.5D detection for shape sorting. Great for removing noticeable size differences such as broken seeds, Wild Buckwheat etc.

User-Friendly Control

High-resolution touchscreen and simple graphics for fast learning and easy use. Effortless USB software upgrades to give you the best software as it hits the market so your machine works better for longer. (See interface below)


Specialized Ejectors

Specially made ejectors reduce wear over time and optimize timing for the low carryover and reduced air consumption. Dual air supply lines stabilize air pressure when sorting materials with higher defect ratios.

Maximized Sorting Yield

Ultra High-Definition imaging detects the geometric center of inputs with 3D reconstruction to achieve pin-point removal. Re-sort capabilities reclaim good product form the first round of rejects.

Remote Monitoring 

Stable Wi-Fi allows you to modify your sorter’s functions without being physically present. Wi-Fi also allows remote technical support if required.


Near-InfraRed spectroscopy is an accurate, non-destructive and inexpensive method of determining the quality of your materials internally. (Available upon request for additional cost)

PID Control System

Proportional-Integral-Derivative positioning monitors and controls feeder levels in real-time to ensure even material input, improving your processing efficiency.(Available upon request for additional cost)


KC Garratt

Sales Territory
Saskatchewan/Rest of the world

KC has been involved in seed cleaning his whole life and has designed, built and repaired Garratt Equipment and his knowledge is second to none. KC was recently awarded his 30 year Saskatchewan Seed Growers Association Award.

Alex Hiebert

Sales Territory
From the Saskatchewan and Manitoba border to the east and south

Alex joined our team in 2020. Alex previously worked for Norstar Commercial Grain Handling Systems. Prior to Norstar Alex manufactured fire trucks.



Brodie Garratt

Sales Territory

Brodie like KC has been involved in seed cleaning his whole life and has previously worked in the manufacturing shop and has spent time repairing equipment within facilities.